Does the thought of answering your own phone make you a little anxious? Are you energized by data, facts, and figures—but not people? Are you looking for relief so you can focus on the work you’re most passionate about? If you’ve been nodding your head while reading along, it may be time to consider outsourcing your call answering.
With all the hats you wear as a small business owner, it can be tough to transition between a tough negotiation with a vendor or reprimanding an employee, to pleasantly greeting a potential new client over the phone. Outsourcing your phone answering to a company entirely focused on delighting callers and creating a great experience means you never have to worry your bad mood will come through on a call.
Sound appealing? Here’s a few options to consider:
Forward directly to Ruby 24/7. If the sound of a ringing phone brings undue stress, forward your calls directly to Ruby and watch your anxiety disappear. Once you’ve forwarded your published number, calls will ring straight to Ruby and a group of friendly receptionists will handle them following your specific account instructions.
Customize your call-handling. During the new client onboarding process, you can decide on exactly how you’d like Ruby to handle your calls. Typically, we can either connect calls to you live, take messages or offer voicemail, or do a combination of both. If you’re looking to focus on big projects or client work, Ruby is happy to let callers know you’re away from the phone. We’ll immediately send over written and voice messages.
Are there some calls you’d like to take live and others you’d rather not? We can also connect certain types of callers to you while holding calls for others. For instance, many of our clients love when we connect potential new clients or emergencies to them live, and simply take messages for everyone else.
Read The Watercooler. Ruby’s blog is full of tips and tricks to help you deliver friendly, exceptional service when you do need to speak with clients. From phrasing to stress reducing time management tips, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to put your best foot forward—whether you’re a people person or not!